Dari artikel Dr Hamid Arshat , beliau mencadangkan pengambilan vitamin C, vitamin E, Zinc dan Selenium sebagai vitamin yang baik untuk sel-sel benih dan peranakan. Beliau juga mencadangkan pengambilan EPO sebagai herba untuk kesuburan. Saya sertakan di bawah highlights kebaikan setiap vitamin seperti tertera dalam artikel beliau.
Shaklee memiliki kesemua vitamin yang dicadangkan oleh Dr Hamid Arshat.
It is believed that vitamin C helps to neutralize the toxic effects of cigarette smoke on the sperm. According to Dr. Dawson intake of 200 to 1000 milligrams per day had a beneficial effect on sperm.
2. VITA-E COMPLEX (dgn selenium)
Vitamin E Essential for fertility and reproduction
A study conducted at the University of Padua in Italy and published in the Journal Science states that a diet low in selenium could be a cause of male infertility.
A lack of zinc causes a lowering of testosterone, shrinks testicle size and produces misshapen and less healthy sperm, among other negatives.
4. GLA COMPLEX (berfungsi seperti EPO)
EPO helps the body to produce more fertile quality cervical fluid also known as "egg white cervical mucus."
Dari artikel Dr Hamid Arshat , beliau mencadangkan pengambilan vitamin C, vitamin E, Zinc dan Selenium sebagai vitamin yang baik untuk sel-sel benih dan peranakan. Beliau juga mencadangkan pengambilan EPO sebagai herba untuk kesuburan. Saya sertakan di bawah highlights kebaikan setiap vitamin seperti tertera dalam artikel beliau.
Shaklee memiliki kesemua vitamin yang dicadangkan oleh Dr Hamid Arshat.
It is believed that vitamin C helps to neutralize the toxic effects of cigarette smoke on the sperm. According to Dr. Dawson intake of 200 to 1000 milligrams per day had a beneficial effect on sperm.
2. VITA-E COMPLEX (dgn selenium)
Vitamin E Essential for fertility and reproduction
A study conducted at the University of Padua in Italy and published in the Journal Science states that a diet low in selenium could be a cause of male infertility.
A lack of zinc causes a lowering of testosterone, shrinks testicle size and produces misshapen and less healthy sperm, among other negatives.
4. GLA COMPLEX (berfungsi seperti EPO)
EPO helps the body to produce more fertile quality cervical fluid also known as "egg white cervical mucus."
Cadangan Vitamin
Untuk suami: Vita C, Vita-E Complex dan Zinc Complex
Untuk isteri: Vita C, Vita-E Complex dan GLA Complex
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