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Friday, 22 May 2015

Cravings in First Trimester? No such thing....

At the moment, I dont have any kind of cravings. I'm basically "eat to live" now. Obviously not my life motto before. My default selections for lunch since last week are - nasi putih (full plate, please!), bayam rebus air (a must), another vege selection and/or ikan goreng that I eat half-heartedly. I really cannot stand the smell of ikan or ayam goreng right now but what choice do I have. Gulai ikan? Yikesss...mentioning the GULAI je pun dah loya. I dont even bother to take sambal belacan.

Makanan kegemaran : Bayam Rebus
(If I were to write my biodata)
You know what? If I keep on going like this even after I give birth, I might be able to get back the figure masa zaman kegemilangan anak dara dulu-dulu. *flips tudung*

Well, obviously that is too ambitious. If based on my previous 2 pregnancies, this NO APPETITE situation is not going to last longer than 2 months. Once the loya all gone, its gonna be like...all hells broke loose. Eat, eat, eat and eat and eat again. Oh..I seriously cant wait for that moment to come. Because that is the only period in your LIFE, i repeat THE ONLY time you can eat without feeling guilty at all. And people will understand because you need to eat for two.

Lucky me, though I'm a bit picky now but I still can stuff my face with food. I wouldnt let myself to starve. But I try to avoid food that make my nausea worse such as:

Oily/fried food
- I will go for asam rebus, masak pindang or my "favourite" right now - bayam rebus air. Such a sissy selections but it works for me. If i take oily food, Im gonna have the constant urge to puke.

Coconut-based gravy
- Arghhhh..just mentioning masak lemak or gulai ikan already make my saliva starting to fill up my mouth. The strong smell and taste...aiyooo, really not my thang right now. And dont even dare to mention Ayam Percik in front of me. A big NO NO or I will puke there and then.

Spicy food
- This was the most important element in my meals before. Come on..Malaysian uolls. We put chilli in almost everything. Sambal belacan, sambal tumis, lemak cili padi were my top favorites dishes. Now, on the day I feel a bit ok, I will take but very very little. Just at the tip of the spoon like that. Otherwise, I will not take it at all.

*Sorry, no pics in this entry. I dont even dare to google the pics of these food. Let's not put my laptop at risk.

Let's share the type of food you take during this period of time.

-shikin mohd ali-

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