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Thursday, 21 May 2015

The Big Fat Positive

Few days before my birthday, I got this as a gift.

I was SHOCKED when I saw these two lines. Like, seriously?? Macam tak percaya, so...I tested again (Yes...all women do this, fyi). Still positive. Now...I'm not sure whether to cry or to laugh. *I was in the toilet at the office*

WhatsApp the photo to hubs and he replied - "Confirm ke?"

Well, tested 2 times...I guess it's A BIG FAT POSITIVE that I am pregnant. 

This is a total shocker because firstly, I know I have problem with my ovulation due to prolonged usage of contraceptive pills. Secondly, my youngest is now 8 year old...just imagine the gaaaaaaap. Emotionally and physically, I totally feel like my first pregnancy all over again. 

Barely into 6 weeks of pregnancy, I'm starting to have morning sickness. Kinda early pulak this time, The first two pregnancies, it only came during the 3rd month and it will be gone after a month or so. During that agonizing one month, memang completely helpless. Bed-ridden, bangun pagi bukak mata je...muntah. Tak makan muntah. Makan pun muntah. Malam-malam pun muntah. Sigh. At that time, I thought there's nothing you can do to alleviate the morning sickness as its part and parcel of pregnancy. That was 8-10 years ago.

Now, you can conveniently google up morning sickness and 1001 ways to alleviate morning sickness will appear on your monitor/smartphone. Tried a bunch, some work and some didnt. And below are my favourite tips to alleviate morning sickness - tried and proven.

1. Hot Lemon Tea
I always love lemon even before my pregnancy. So, I continue my morning ritual of drinking a glass of lemon water in the morning. The thing is, lemon water or ice lemon tea didnt work on me. It has to be HOT lemon tea. After few sips, I will burp few times and relieve the morning sickness quite substantially. I was not even a fan of hot drinks before but now HOT lemon tea is my best friend.

Squeeze the lemon, please

2. Snacking
Regardless how heavy the meal I took, the hunger pang will strike one hour later. Once the hunger sets in, thou shall not wait. Quickly grab whatever snack you within reach. By snack I mean, HEALTHY snacking like fruits, plain biscuits, bread, nuts etc. This is the period when certain fruits taste like..yuckss!! I really cant tolerate apple right now. Honey dew is the "IN" fruit for me right now.

3. Dont Skip Breakfast
Ive got to stress this - DONT SKIP BREAKFAST because once you skip breakfast, whole day will ruin. See, people dont call breakfast as the most important meal of the day for nothing. If  you fail to get your breakfast, bloat will set in and it will stay all day long until night. Ive learned this the hard way and doesnt want to go through another. So, within an hour after I wake up, I will take my Shaklee ESP + strawberry yogurt smoothie. Convenient and quick, it relieves hunger too (for a while). This is also my before-go-to-bed choice if i feel hungry. Sigh.. you heard it right, bed-time snacking. At least it is a low GI drink kannn ;)
*On the other note, dont skip any MEALS at all

If rajin, can try this recipe for brekkie.
Substitute Cinch with ESP
4. Ginger
Ginger is my go-to remedy whenever I feel bloated. I will go through all the trouble to prepare ginger+rock sugar concoction. I like the smell and also the taste, so refreshing and fast relieving. But, my masseus pesan...dont take ginger during the early pregnancy, panas katanya. Well, sikit-sikit ok kot coz I dont think there's other effective remedy as ginger for bloat. I'm not so rajin also these days to prepare the ginger thing. So, right now I will go for Shaklee Peppermint Ginger(SPG) as alternative. SPG can be crushed and serve as tea but the malas me, I just telan 3 biji. Then, I will (happily) burps(B) and farts(F) for errrr...couple of times after that. I know the B and F are DISTASTEFUL but please give face to the first trimester pregnant ladies. We have to get them out of our bodies.

 I really hope these tips will be very useful to you. These tips may work or not for you. That's normal as the way our bodies function are different from each other. Google other tips and try to make sure it works for you.

Please make doa' for me that my pregnancy goes smoothly until the end. Thank you :)

Oh...if you want to order Shaklee ESP or SPG, Whatsapp me at 019-4587610(Shikin Mohd Ali)

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